★PLEASURE SPACE vol.31★-PxS 4th Anniversary Party-
Profile of |PLEASURE SPACE| ★PLEASURE SPACE vol.31★ -PxS 4th Anniversary Party- 2012年2月26日(日) @北浦和KYARA OPEN/S [Continue]
Profile of |PLEASURE SPACE| ★PLEASURE SPACE vol.31★ -PxS 4th Anniversary Party- 2012年2月26日(日) @北浦和KYARA OPEN/S [Continue]
Profile of |A.O.T.N.A| A.O.T.N.A 4~art of the new attitude~ 2012.02/24(fri) at RUBYROOM door/adv 1000yen(plus [Continue]
<ID PRESENTS 「ID BRAIN」> 2012.2.7(Tue) at 下北沢SHELTER OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 ADV.¥2300 / DOOR ¥2500 The Cavem [Continue]
Profile of |Movits! | ~ Nu Spontaneous Combustion feat.Movits! (from Sweden) 2012/02/11(Sat)@新宿 音 CHARGE at do [Continue]
Profile of |古河Spider| 2012/1/27 知久寿焼 (元 たま)ワンマンライブ あの伝説のバンドたまの知久さんが古河Spider初登場 OPEN START 19:00/19:30 TICKET25 [Continue]
Profile of |Low-Cal-Ball| ~ Low-Cal-Ball vol.48 ~the 8th Anniversary~ 2012/02/18(Sat)@Shibuya THE GAME OPEN/ST [Continue]
Profile of |SOMECITY| 『SOMECITY 2011-2012 TOKYO 2nd FINAL』 2012/1/25 (水) @CLUB CITTA’ OPEN/18:30 START/1 [Continue]
World Rockin’ Jazz 1/14(土) @ 新宿 音 CHARGE at door ¥2500(2d)/with flyer & Discount ¥2000(2d) OPEN 22: [Continue]
BOMB FACTORY & CRISPY NUTS presents 『ROCK’N’ ROLL CRAZY NIGHTS』 2011年12月29日(木) 中野 MOON STEP [ [Continue]
Profile of |BAT CAVE| 2012-01-21(SAT) BAT HOUSE Vol.2 ~BATCAVE vs EDGE OF SPIRIT~ at 大塚 Deepa BATCAVE EDGE OF [Continue]
Profile of |SOI| 2011.12.24 SAT 10PM BASS IN Soi -SUB BASS WARRIORS #09- DUBWISE X’MAS SPECIAL!!! at MOD [Continue]
Profile of |DISK| DISK Yellow Music RELEASE PARTY 2011/12/23@渋谷LOOP OPEN/23:30 Live Start/24:30 DOOR:¥2500 W/f [Continue]
Profile of |MINAMOTO JAMS| MINAMOTO Presents acoustic Unity Vol.17 ~KARAMUSHI&FRIENDS 2nd Album release p [Continue]
POPGROUP Recordings presents “THANK YOU 2011” 日時:2011/12/28(水) OPEN/START: 18:00 / 19:00 会場:O-nest [Continue]
2012/1/22(日)名古屋:上前津CLUB ZION Open/Start 17:00 LIVE HAMMERSMITH (DENIM AND LEATHER Special Band) SOLITUDE NAGOY [Continue]